Custom Comparative Reporting for E-Proficiency Profile administrations

The Custom Comparative Report allows institutions to customize reports based on Carnegie Classifications, Credit hours, states and institutions. This report is used as part of their accreditation filing and comparing their programs to like programs.

To access Custom Comparative Data Report, select Reporting> Assessment Reports > Advance Reporting.

In the Advanced Reporting section, you will find two tabs: the "Reports" tab, which lists all available advanced reporting options, and the "Executed Reports" tab, where you can access downloadable reports. Additional reports will be coming soon.
Select the sub reports and Carnegie classification to be included in the report.
Individual or all states can be selected along with all grades or a specific grade level.


A list of institutions that meet your selection criteria will be displayed. Please note that you must select at least 10 institutions in order to generate the report. After you click on "Run Report," you can choose to return to the Reports tab or navigate to the Executed Reports tab.


In the Executed Reports tab, you will see a Status indicator that shows whether the report is Done or Running. Once the report finishes processing, the Download button will appear in blue, signaling that the report is ready for you to view..
