How to create a public profile to share skills, credentials, and work experience

Learn how to build and use your public profile so you can share your credentials and résumé information all in one place.

The LifeJourney platform allows you to build a public profile that acts like a résumé but that also collects your verified skills and credential information.  You can access this feature from our web interface where you can build your public profile to share with others.  

Login with your email and password at: 

You can get to your public profile under the account menu by clicking on your profile picture. Select My public profile

acess profile in menu

When you use your profile for the first time, it will appear with your name and the country which you added to your profile during the account set-up. Your profile image, as well as all the credentials you have earned, with their related skills will already be populated on the profile. 

default started profile

Edit your contact info 

You can choose what contact information you want to display. To edit the information presented in the profile, select the edit/pencil icon

edit contact pen icon

You can also enter a phone number, e-mail address (either the same as your account or a different one), as well as your location information including city, state, and country. When the changes are complete, select Save. Changing information here does not officially update your profile. 

edit contact info

If you don’t want to have contact information displayed on your public profile, select the Eye icon to hide it. 

hide contact info

When hiding the information is active, the section will be grayed out and the eye icon will have a strikethrough mark. 

hidden contact info

Add Additional Links to your profile 

You can add additional reference information to your public profile as links such as social media handles, public websites, or web portfolios.  

To add links, select the blue + Add additional info button. 

from home add link button

A box to select from different link options is available. 

add link 1

Link options include:  

  • Social networks – LinkedIn, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) 
  • Github – for learners who contribute to software projects, this allows them to link to their profile with code samples and project contributions. 
  • Other – any other URL can be added such as to a third-party portfolio or to a personal website. 

link types

After selecting the link type, you can type or paste the link and name the link (if required). Repeat this process by using +Add link until all the links are added. 

add additional lihnk

Then select Save to complete adding the link to the profile. 


Displaying your skills 

When you first access the profile, the skills collected from all of your credentials will be displayed on their profile. Those colored with a green checkmark indicate skills that are associated with verified credentials in your wallet. Those that have no color are associated with self-asserted credentials that you have uploaded into the wallet. 

manage skills on profle

To turn off skills from displaying on the profile altogether, click the eye icon in the upper right. To re-enable it, click the eye icon again so it no longer has a strikethrough line appearing and the section is no longer grayed-out. 

turn off skills with eye icon

You can edit which skills you want to appear on the profile by selecting the pencil icon. 

edit skills with pencil icon

The list of skills will be displayed in a drop-down list. All those that are enabled to appear will appear outlined with a blue frame.  

click on skill to remove

To disable a skill from appearing, click it to remove the blue frame. The skill will no longer have the blue frame. Click Save to enable this change. 

deselected skill

To re-enable the skill, repeat the process. Click on the skill again so it has the blue frame again and select Save.  


To find the skills you want to add or remove, you can either scroll through your skills list or use the search box to find skills by keyword. 


Displaying your credentials on your public profile 

By default, all credentials in your LifeJourney wallet will be added to your public profile so that it is easy to set up for the first time. Like the other parts of your profile, if you don't want credentials to appear on your profile you can hide the entire module by using the eye icon. If you only want some to display, you can edit which credentials are visible by selecting the edit/ pencil icon

edit credentials displayed

A catalog with thumbnails of the credentials in the wallet will display. Click on any credential to de-select it. You will see the box no longer has a bolded, black outline around the image. Additional options to sort through which credentials to display or hide include searching by name in the “Search” box or paging through the results manually. 


When you have changed the display of all the desired credentials, click Save

unclick credential thumbnail to turn off display

Add work experience to your profile 

If you want to make your public profile look more like your résumé, you can add work experience.  

If you want to hide this module and only want your credentials to display, select the eye icon to hide it. However, if you do want to add your work experience, select the + button to add each job entry. You will repeat this step for each job that you want to add to the profile. 

plus sign to add work exp

A box to add a new work experience will display. Start with entering the job title in the Title field. 

add work exp_top of screen

Select the employment type from the drop-down list. 

add employment type

Next, add the name of the employer. Make sure to pay attention to what name you provide for the employer. If you have multiple positions with the same employer, you want to use the same employer's name to make sure that your career progression displays together. 

add employer name

Next, select the location information for your position. This includes whether you were based on-site at the employer’s location, a remote employee, or in a hybrid schedule that was partially on-site and partially remote. 

add location of job

Add the dates to your employment history. Each work experience allows you to list the start and end dates. 

add work exp

You have drop-down menus to select the months and years of your employment. 

add month to work exp

The year list will display with the most recent years first to reduce scrolling. 

add year to work exp

If you are still working in your position, check the box “I am currently working in this role.” This will remove the end date option from that work experience and instead list “present” on the public listing. 

check present and employment end date disappears

You can also add a description regarding your job responsibilities. 

Lastly, you can add skills to your work experience as well. To do so click + Add Skill

add skill to work exp

You will then have a text box to search for skills you want to associate with the work experience. Only the skills related to your current credentials are available to select to associate to work experiences. Type any keyword to search for a related skill and select one that matches the results. 

search for skill to add to work experience


The skill will display under the search box when it’s added. You can repeat this process to add multiple skills to the work experience.  

added skill to work experience

When all the elements of the work experience are added select Save


The final work experience entry will display with your job title, employer and employment dates. 

work experience added

Share your public profile link 

When all profile revisions are complete, you are ready to share your public profile with others!  

The public profile can be used like a stand-alone résumé or added as a link on your current résumé file to help employers verify your skills. Links to the public profile are also useful to add into your social network bios such as Linkedin or to link on a personal website 

To get your public link, click the Share profile link button to generate a shareable external link. 

share profile link

A pop-up will provide the ability to copy the link and acknowledge that this will be public information that is shared with anyone who has the link. 

share public profile

Your public profile will show all the information you selected, your skills, and details of each digital credential in one place. 

public link main view