How to share multiple credentials on a link (Web)

The sections feature allows you to group credentials and generate a link to share all of them at once.

If you need to share multiple credentials at one time, you can use the Sections feature in your LifeJourney wallet. You can create and manage sections of your wallet to any type of use case to making a custom collection to share with a unique audience, to group credentials of similar skills, or groups of related achievement types. 


In addition, you can add contextual data about yourself or your credentials by adding a unique description for the section.  


Use the directions below to learn how to use the sections feature. 


In the wallet, select Section

add a new section

Select the Add New Section button to create a new section. 

add a credential to a section

Add a name for the section. Optionally you can add a description for the section to communicate to viewers what your collection of credentials is about or more information about yourself. Select Submit to create the section. 

name section and add description

After the section is created it shows as an empty section with 0 credentials.  

newly created section is visible with no credentials

Click on the section to begin adding credentials to the section. Select the blue Add Credential button. 

add a credential to a section

Open the drop-down menu to access the available credentials you can add to the section. You must have already accepted the credential to your wallet for it to be available on the list. Make sure to claim any pending credentials before creating sections. 

select credential drop down

Scroll through the list of credentials to add one to the section. Select one credential. 

select a credential from the list

Select Submit to add the credential to the section. 

submit to add credential

The selected credential will display on the section. 

added credential displays on the section

Continue repeating this process until you add all the desired credentials. As you return to the drop-down list, only the credentials not added to the section will be available.  

as you add credentials those not added are left on the list

To delete a credential from the section, hover over the credential and select the X in the upper right corner. 

delete a credential from a section

The credential will then be deleted from the section. 


You can also delete a section if you no longer need it. From the Section, select Delete section

delete section

You will then need to select OK to confirm that you want to proceed with this action. This action is non-recoverable. No credentials will be deleted but you will need to rebuild a new section. 


To get the link to share the section, select Share Section

share section

Select Copy to obtain the share link. Additionally, you can use one of the social media icons to share it directly to your preferred social network. 

copy link to shared section

The public link to the section will show your name and photo (if the photo is available on your profile), the name of the section and description of the section. All of the selected credentials 

public shared link to section

The viewer of the link can select the image of one of the credentials to access the detailed information about it. 

click through public share link to credential detail